Protocol Security

Please review Disclaimer: Risk of Using Protocol and Terms of Service before using the Yeti Finance and/or interacting with YETI or YUSD. Yeti Finance & YETI/YUSD are not avaliable in the U.S.

Smart Contract Security Reports and Partners:

  1. Dedaub is a leading smart contract security firm that specializes in complex economic attacks and program analysis. Dedaub has worked with Ethereum, Chainlink and Nexus Mutual. They most notably reported the $1B vulnerability in Multichain's Bridge. Audit Report 1 and Audit Report 2.

  2. Three Sigma Labs is a conomic modeling and smart contract auditing firm. They have assisted us with mechanism design, validating mechanisms with economic models, and reviewing implementations with code audits. Audit Report.

  3. Haechi is a South Korean smart contract security audit firm. Haechi has audited major DeFi protocols such as SushiSwap, 1inch Exchange, and Armor Finance. Audit Report.

  4. Code Arena is a community-driven approach to smart contract auditing. Yeti Finance hosted a $100,000 Code Arena audit contest in which the full prize pool is distributed to participants which include some of the the leading blockchain security researchers and audit firms. Audit report.

  5. WatchPug is a research and audit firm focusing on DeFi security. They are second on the Code Arena Leaderboard and have been rewarded with numerous large bug bounties.

Independent Auditors

In addition to the above security measures, we had multiple independent security auditors peer review our smart contract code for any potential vulnerabilities and exploits.

Economic Security:

  1. Three Sigma Labs was engaged to create an extensive report analyzing the economic soundness of Yeti Finance's system. A detailed economic model based off Yeti Finance system, and thousands of simulations were done to stress test our protocol under various intense market conditions. 63-page economic modeling report.

  2. Risk Harbor, a leading DeFi smart-contract insurance protocol, has audited our liquidity provider oracles and asset wrappers to help prevent price oracle manipulation.

Despite best efforts, crypto is inherently risky and security is never guaranteed.

Please review Disclaimer: Risk of Using Protocol and Terms of Service before using the Yeti Finance and/or interacting with YETI or YUSD. Yeti Finance & YETI/YUSD are not available in the U.S.

Last updated